Trish Lambert
Upwork Family

Cruisin’ Ceviche

I lived on sailboats over a 20-year period, mostly in marinas or yacht clubs. Three years, though, were spent mostly at anchor in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia—a lifestyle known as sailboat cruising. I’ve dubbed the cruising community “the world’s largest small village” because friendships span oceans and countries and because of the unconditional camaraderie and support built into the lifestyle.

Fishing was (not surprisingly) part of daily life, whether underway or at anchor. I was amused to find that the “fish catchers,” usually men, were invested in how the food they caught was prepared. It was not unusual to overhear a group of guys swapping fish recipes, and it made me laugh. Using up fresh fish was often a challenge. Grill it, put it in tacos, make a soup—even with all these dishes, there was often still fish left over. The solution: ceviche. Ceviche recipes were probably the most often swapped among the fishermen, and they were all delicious. This recipe was my “go to” whenever I needed to use up fresh fish. I made it in quart-size mason jars so that I could secure the lids before putting them into the chest refrigerator. It was great for all the potlucks that are part of the cruising life, or even for meals when it was just too hot to turn on the stove!

¡Buen provecho!

<span-key>1 lb</span-key><span-value> firm-fleshed fish (I’ve used tuna, dorado, and wahoo, among others)</span-value><span-key>1 ½ tsp</span-key><span-value>salt </span-value><span-key>-</span-key><span-value>A pinch or two of sugar </span-value><span-key>½ tsp</span-key><span-value>oregano (or your choice)</span-value><span-key>-</span-key><span-value>Enough lime juice to cover</span-value><span-key>-</span-key><span-value>Ripe avocado, cubed into small pieces</span-value><span-key>-</span-key><span-value>Chopped red or white onion</span-value><span-key>-</span-key><span-value>Fresh chopped cilantro</span-value><span-key>-</span-key><span-value>Sliced jalapeño pepper </span-value><span-key>-</span-key><span-value>Fresh tropical fruit like mango or pineapple, cut in small pieces </span-value>




Cut the raw fish into bite-size pieces, no more than a quarter-inch cube, and put it into the container you’ll use to store it.
Mix the salt, sugar, oregano, and lime juice together and pour over the fish.
Refrigerate until the fish has become opaque, white, and firm. It will take at least an hour, but the time needed will depend on how much fish and the size of the pieces.
When the fish has been “cooked”, drain off the liquid.
Now it’s time to add your other ingredients! Mix in your choice of additional ingredients and store the ceviche at least an hour (longer is better) to allow the flavors to mix deliciously together.</span-p>

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Cook It Up:
An Upwork

A Foreword from the
Kitchen of Hayden Brown,
Upwork CEO

I deeply treasure that time around the table with my kids and loved ones. In our household, our kitchen table is a gathering place to share a meal, enjoy each other’s company, reflect on the day and laugh together.

With ‘Cook It Up,’ our Upwork Family Belonging Community has assembled a wonderful collection of recipes that celebrate the rich diversity of cultures we represent at Upwork. I truly enjoyed the personal memories that connect these dishes to the team members who shared them. This is a fun, approachable and sometimes touching look behind the “work curtain” that’s helped me — and I hope will help you — get to know our team even better.

I invite you to take a moment to browse the stories and recipes when you are looking for inspiration, a new way to connect with your colleagues, or just want to try something new. Most of all, I invite you to participate in the celebration of food, family, and life found here in Cook It Up.