Cassie Levitt
Upwork Family

Gabby’s Lemon Pound Cake

My grandma, who I affectionately named Gabby, made this for me every birthday and special occasion. It tastes like my childhood, happy memories, and warm hugs.

<h4-tag>Cake</h4-tag><span-key>2 cups</span-key><span-value>granulated sugar</span-value><span-key>3 cups</span-key><span-value>all-purpose flour</span-value><span-key>½ tsp</span-key><span-value>salt</span-value><span-key>½ tsp</span-key><span-value>baking soda</span-value><span-key>½ tsp</span-key><span-value>baking powder</span-value><span-key>4</span-key><span-value>eggs</span-value>
<span-key>1 cup</span-key><span-value>shortening</span-value><span-key>1 cup</span-key><span-value>buttermilk</span-value><span-key>2 tbsp</span-key><span-value>lemon extract</span-value><h4-tag>Glaze</h4-tag><span-key>1</span-key><span-value>orange</span-value><span-key>1</span-key><span-value>lemon</span-value><span-key>2½ cups</span-key><span-value>powdered sugar</span-value




Preheat oven to 300℉/150℃.
Sift together dry ingredients.
Add wet ingredients and beat for 3 minutes at medium speed.
Generously grease a bundt pan and pour in the batter.
Bake for 45 minutes or until browned
While baking, make the glaze:
Juice the orange and the lemon. Whisk into the powdered sugar until smooth.
Test the cake by inserting a toothpick or a fork. If it comes out clean, pour the glaze over the top and bake for 3-5 more minutes.</span-p>

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© 2015 - 2021  Upwork® Global Inc.

Cook It Up:
An Upwork

A Foreword from the
Kitchen of Hayden Brown,
Upwork CEO

I deeply treasure that time around the table with my kids and loved ones. In our household, our kitchen table is a gathering place to share a meal, enjoy each other’s company, reflect on the day and laugh together.

With ‘Cook It Up,’ our Upwork Family Belonging Community has assembled a wonderful collection of recipes that celebrate the rich diversity of cultures we represent at Upwork. I truly enjoyed the personal memories that connect these dishes to the team members who shared them. This is a fun, approachable and sometimes touching look behind the “work curtain” that’s helped me — and I hope will help you — get to know our team even better.

I invite you to take a moment to browse the stories and recipes when you are looking for inspiration, a new way to connect with your colleagues, or just want to try something new. Most of all, I invite you to participate in the celebration of food, family, and life found here in Cook It Up.